April 2013
What a long winter it has been, but don’t worry Spring is coming. You have to be an optimist to be a farmer or you go bonkers!
There are a few buds and grass is waking up, so we dared to put a blackfaced ewe with two lambs in the paddock in front of the patio. There isn’t much grass but they are getting extra feed out of the bag and looking well on it.
The pig run got really messy last autumn but thankfully recovered a little bit now so we have transferred 3 piglets from our pig farm. The picture shows my granddaughter Téa getting to know them.
We have some new Beltie calves born now and I hope there will be enough grass on the nature trail within the next two weeks to allow us to bring them over. We will let you know when that happens. I hope you enjoy Spring and Summer at Kilnford. It is definitely coming!