January 2012
Happy New Year to all our customers. Lots of people do New Year resolutions. On the farm it is not much different but I find it is a time to make plans and set targets. I attach a photo of Mitch among some of last year’s crop and today he is up to the knees in muck, starting to erect 2 more poly tunnels at Kilnford. We plan to expand the range of crops we grow and hopefully continually improve the quality.
Mitch is also setting up a scheme with local school children to instruct and encourage them to grow vegetables. It will be interesting to see how that progresses.
New Year is probably a good time to say a big thank you to all our loyalty customers for their support during our first nine months of trading. I get lots of suggestions for ways to expand Kilnford, however, I believe that our customers value the quality of the produce and the quality of the service and the focus for the next few months is to concentrate on improving that even more, rather than expand for its own sake. As a farmer moving in to retail I acknowledge there is a lot to learn. If you feel that there is anything you are not happy with please let us know.
For us, the worst complaint, is the one we do not hear.
I hope you enjoy Kilnford in 2012.