June 2011
Jock’s Blog
As the month of May draws to a close on the farm we look back on a frustrating month. Constant wet weather has made it almost impossible to make good quality silage for our dairy cows. They require young grass conserved in sunny conditions to make a good feed for winter.
Our beef cows and sheep have lots of grass so the young calves and lambs are growing well. Our outdoor pigs are a bit muddy but that doesn’t bother them. They are more likely to be harmed by too much sun. For those of you interested in watching “Ginger” our sow at Kilnford, you will see I have erected a pipe overhanging the fence which has a trickle of water. This provides a wallow to allow her to take a muddy bath and this applies a ready-made sun tan lotion as well as cooling her down.
As we all look forward to June it looks like we are in for some better weather so our butchery team are full steam ahead making burgers for your barbecues.
Last night one of my favourite Beltie cows gave birth to a lovely bull calf. Once we have jumped our next planning hurdle and have our nature trail open I expect that you will see these two in the field.
I hope you enjoy your next visit to Kilnford
Jock 31/05/11
Mo’s Blog