November 2011
Last month I posted a photo of our pigs to highlight the speed at which they grow. Today I attach a photo of “Bendy” with her bull calf to let you see how much he has grown since the end of May. This has been achieved with fresh grass and plenty of Mum’s milk as nature intended. Incidentally the cow is called Bendy because her white belt which should be straight is bent. She wouldn’t win a show but she is a lovely cow!
Everyone knows that farmers are always complaining and mostly it’s about the weather or the price of our products. After a dull wet October, sodden pasture land is my complaint. As the grass growth slows down, and the rain increases, the cattle can really churn up the pastures, which can ruin them for next year’s growth. That is why we have moved our Beltie cows and Blackface ewes from Kilnford Nature Trail back to our hill. There they will have a bigger area to graze and many places to shelter from the winter weather. I am already looking forward to bringing them back next spring with their new lambs and calves. Farmers do complain but we are optimists. That’s how we survive.
The wet weather has also created difficulties with our pig pen at the top of the car park which was getting very mucky. We hope we have sorted it out with a bigger hard standing where they eat and sleep. They actually love the mud so we have left them enough to explore and puddle in.
We have had several customers asking for mutton so we are planning to have that available towards the end of November. Please ask David or one of the lads on the butchery and they will keep you posted when it will be available. They will also offer advice on how to cook it if you wish. Whatever you purchase at Kilnford I hope you enjoy it. Jock